Saturday 21 June 2014

iOS 8 May Finally Offer Split-Screen Multitasking

Just as I’ve said before, you can’t go very far online without seeing people speculating on Apple’s upcoming iPhone 6, and even if they may not be speculating about the phone itself, chances are they might be trying to uncover everything they can about the new iOS 8 before it releases sometime this fall. Apple has a way of getting most of the whole world to get all kinds of excited about their products months (and sometimes years) before they hit the market.
While there’s a lot we don’t know yet about iOS 8, there are some things we know to be true, such as updated maps, a better performing Siri who will be able to identify music playing in the background, and a neat feature which will allow you to take pictures of all of your credit card information instead of having to type it in. There will also supposedly be different forms of health apps. However, maybe even more exciting than all of those things is what one developer in particular discovered while playing around with the beta version of iOS 8 – he found a hidden split-screen multitasking feature.

The developer, Steven Troughton -Smith, stumbled upon a hidden code and was able to get it to work on his Mac. It didn’t work perfectly – but all of the nuts and bolts are there for Apple to put together into a finished product. That’s apparently why they didn’t show off the feature at WWDC earlier this year – they’re still getting it just right.
It seems the split-screen feature will allow users to resize certain apps to take up 1/3, 1/2, or 3/4 of their total screen size. This multitasking update will most likely be applied to the iPad Air at its release, and then to other Apple devices, including the larger version of the iPhone 6.
What do you think? Are you excited about this feature? Let us know your thoughts regarding this story in the comments section below.
[Image via 9to5Mac]

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